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 I’d like your write in vote for President of the United States.



My friends and family laughed when I told them I wanted to run. Why would any “regular” person run for President? The scrutiny, the cost, and the stress of a campaign and (hopefully) of serving as President is an enormous price to pay. Why not just let someone else do it? This is my answer: I am extremely concerned about our country’s direction, our future, our children’s future, and the kind of world they will inherit. "If not me, who, if not now, when." I firmly believe that it is our responsibility to ensure the world they inherit is a far better world than the one we grew up in. I’m committed to advocating for policies that promote fiscal responsibility and personal accountability. I believe in the constitution, that we are all created equal, and are endowed  with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We need to work together utilizing common sense to create a better country, not only for US, but also for future generations. *Quote, Emma Watson during her 2014 HeforShe campaign kick-off.


I watch the news and wonder what do these people running for our highest office know about, or care about US ? It’s unacceptable that our children will be burdened with trillions of dollars of national debt and growing. It’s time to take action and streamline our government modernize and increase its efficiency, while at the same time protecting our individual privacies. Balance our federal budget, pay down the deficit and limit future deficit spending to 3 percent of GDP. Creating a financially stable government requires careful planning and a willingness to make tough common sense decisions. That’s why I’ve made balancing the budget and paying down the deficit our top priority. This can be done using a common sense approach, not threatening our people with government shutdowns and pulling the social safety nets out from under those who truly need them.



Just look at the history of our great country. We left our homes for so many diferent reasons, to escape persecution, to create a land of equal opportunity, and to enable people to achieve the American Dream. It's why so many people came here, and why America has always been an incredible place to call home. However, I believe that over time, we've let that idea slip away. Today, I worry that we're becoming more like the countries we left, where the wealthy hold sway, and there's little opportunity for everyone else. We can leave a better America for our children and their children's, children. Let's take responsibility and own up to our mistakes, while at the time reinforcing and expanding on what we got right. We all need roll up our sleeves and do the hard work, and put in place common the sense solutions that are required to make this a home to be proud, to leave to our future generations.

An America for all of US


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Vote NO,  Stop Spending Money we Don't have.
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